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Thursday 9 October 2008

Limitation of Motorcycle

In Indonesia, motorcycle is considered as a cheap, simple transportation mode. It is quite easy to acquire motorcycle since several dealers have provided credit selling in which the buyers may pay the motorcycle for certain period of time. As the result, sale rate of motorcycle in Indonesia increases drastically. More than 1 million motorcycles are sold every month.

As the consequence, the number of motorcycle running on the road is increasing that increase the traffic jam. In addition, it will increase the emission gas that subsequently will increase the GHG effect. Nothing can the government do?

There are actually several actions the government can take. One of them is an effort to limit the number of motorcycle. The limitation includes the CC of motorcycle. For example, the government can apply high level of motorcycle tax or value added tax. For preventive action, the government shall established a regulation stating that each motorcycle manufacture may sell certain number of motorcycle in certain period of time.

The CC of motorcycle should be limited as well. The CC of commercial motorcycle should not above the CC of police motorcycle. It would be useful for the police department particularly in the effort to enforce traffic regulation. With higher CC, policeman is to be easier to catch road users breaking the traffic laws, for example, red light running.


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