The commotion happened in the Heaven is caused by a Giant King of Manimantaka kingdom named Nirwutakawaca (Nir = not, wuto = blind, kawaca = read; meaning that cannot accept/find the truth because the heart is blind). The king is really invulnerable. The king who always free his desire has caused a deep disappointment to the Gods. Initially, the Gods have let the Giant King marry a Fairy of the Heaven, Prabasini.
Unfortunately, the king forces to marry another fairy named Supraba. This demand surely makes the Gods feel angry. The demand is not met for this time since the Gods think that if the demand is met the King will ask fairy for the third, fourth, etc. Furthermore, the Gods are afraid that the King will destroy the order of Heaven. The Gods know well that the king has a great power that no one can defeat him.
Narada (one of the God) know that there is an ascetic named Begawan Ciptoning living in Indrakila Mountain. The ascetic had a great power. The Gods, however, are still unsure with the power of the ascetic. Therefore, Narada suggests to test the ascetic power by sending some of heaven soldiers and fairies. Some of the Gods also test the ascetic by them selves. The test consists of three parts, in general, i.e. power test, sexual desire test, and loyalty test.
Begawan Ciptoning is actually the transformation of Arjuna, one of Pandawa. Previously, Arjuna faces many problems that make him worried. Knowing that his master worries, Semar, one of Punakawan, suggest that Arjuna shall make himself calm by keeping silent/meditating in a mountain. Semar, furthermore, suggests Indrakila Mountain as the right place. During the meditation, Arjuan meets a mysterious creature that subsequently gives him the name of Begawan Ciptoning.
The first test faced by Begawan Ciptaning was power test. In this test, Bathara Indra has transformed himself into a giant. He challenges Begawan Ciptaning by arguing that what Begawan Ciptaning has done has disturbed his life. Begawan Ciptaning does not feel worry nor afraid facing the giant. By his power, Begawan Ciptaning is success to defeat the giant.
After that, seven fairies come to disturb Begawan Ciptaning’s meditation. This test is to investigate whether Begawan Ciptaning can control his sexual desire or not. Begawan Ciptoning passes the test as well. The last test is administered by Bathara Guru. He tests the power and loyalty of Begawan Ciptaning. Begawan Guru transforms himself into a giant. Eventually, the ascetic passes the test.
Recognizing that the ascetic is really powerful and invulnerable, Bathara Guru then transform himself into his original body. Knowing that the Giant is actually Bathara Guru, Begawan Ciptaning asks forgiveness. Subsequently, Bathara Guru explains his objectives of testing the ascetic. Bathara Guru, on behalf of the Gods, asks Begawan Ciptaning to fight commotion caused by Nirwutakawaca. The ascetic accepts that and subsequently climbs to heaven accompanied by Bathara Guru.
After arriving in heaven, Bagawan Ciptaning is received well by Bathara Indra. He asks his daughter, Supraba, that is also one of heaven’s fairies, to change Bagawan Ciptaning’s clothes. Supraba is the most beautiful fairy in heaven.
After that, Begawan Ciptaning establishes a plan to defeat Nirwutakawaca. Begawan Ciptaning knows that the giant really has desire to marry Supraba. The ascetic asks Supraba to come to the giant and says that she agrees to marry him. After Supraba has got closed with the giant, she has to find the weak point of the Giant. Begawan Ciptaning also ensures Supraba that he will always stay near Supraba.
Supraba has agreed to the Begawan Ciptaning’s plan. She comes to Nirwutakawaca and tells him that she agrees to marry him. Fortunately, Nirwutakawaca is not suspicious to her. Supraba then asks why Nirwutakaca can be so strong that no one can defeat him. The giant tells her that his weak point is his throat. The throat must not contact with something sharp.
Knowing the weak point of the giant, Begawan Ciptaning emerges from his hiding place. He suddenly holds Supraba and brings her away. This surely makes the giant feels really angry. The tries to catch Begawan Ciptaning to get Supraba back. In the distance, Begawan Ciptaning asks Supraba to run while he will fight the giant. The ascetic then turns back and finds the giant on the way.
The ascetic tries to find a way how he can stab the giant’s throat. During the combat, the ascetic fights using all his power. He finally finds an idea on how to make the giant opens his mouth. The ascetic pretends to lose. Surely, the giant feels that he is the strongest one and no one can defeat him. He laughs, laughs, and laughs, opening his mouth widely. The ascetic does not throw the chance away. When the giant opens his mouth, the ascetic quickly stabs his weapon (Keris) to the giant’s throat. The giant eventually comes to death.
At the end, Bathara Guru, on behalf of the Gods, shows gratitude and great appreciation to Begawan Ciptaning. Furthermore, Bahtara Guru and all the Gods have agreed to pronounce Begawan Ciptaning and Supraba as wife and husband. From this marriage, Supraba bears a child subsequently named Abimanyu.
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